How to make a chatbot using HTML

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How to make a chatbot using HTML

2023-02-24 20:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

A chatbot is artificial intelligence (AI) software that can simulate a chat or a conversation with a user in natural language through websites, messaging applications, mobile apps, or through the telephone.

The importance of chatbot lies in the fact that it is often described as one of the most advanced, accurate, and pleasing expressions of interaction between humans and machines. However, from a technical point of view, a chatbot only represents the natural evolution of a Question-Answering system leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP). Formulating responses to questions in a native language is one of the most typical examples of Natural Language Processing applied in various enterprises’ end-use applications.

Alternatively, there is always an option of building a chatbot yourself using a dedicated chatbot builders platform like SendPulse, Chatfuel, or Hubspot. 

Written below is the code to make a basic chatbot using HTML.

Happy chatting!

My first bot

Talk To Me

var you = "Me"; botSays("Thanks for checking out my Simple chatBot.\nMy language knowledge is progressing. I recently learned 20 html tags. 6/11/17 \n\nType !name x where x = yourName to change your name.\nTo chat, click Talk to me or press Enter(pc) or Go(android)\nType help for a hint\n\n\n***") // Recognized Speech Patterns for Question Responses var Hello = ["HI", "HEY", "HOWDY", "HEYA", "HOLA", "HELLO", "SUP", "KONNICHIWA", "ALOHA"] var Goodbye = ["BYE", "SEE YA", "CYA", "LATER", "ADIOS", "SAYONARA", "SEEYA"] var Greeting = ["WHAT'S UP", "HOW'S IT GOING", "HOW ARE YOU", "NICE DAY", "GOOD MORNING", "GOOD NIGHT"] var Name = [ "WHAT IS YOUR NAME", "WHAT'S YOUR NAME", "WHO ARE YOU", "WHAT DO THEY CALL YOU", "COMO TE LLAMAS"] var Actions = ["HELP", "DRINK", "CHALLENGE"] var Questions = ["QUESTION", "QUIZ", "CODE", "ANSWER", "HTML", "CSS", "JAVASCRIPT"]; var HTMLTags1 = ["

", "", "", "", "", "", "", "","",""]; // Skip the CMD Line and learn HTML by reading my code!~~ LMAO, here have fun. var HTMLTags2 = [ "", // Defines a hyperlink "", //Defines an abbreviation or an acronym "", // Not supported in HTML5. Use instead. Defines an acronym "", // Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document "", // Not supported in HTML5. Use or instead. Defines an embedded applet "", // Defines an area inside an image-map "", // Defines an article "", // Defines content aside from the page content "", // Defines sound content "" // Defines bold text ] var HTMLTags3 = [ "", // Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document "", // Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document "", // Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it "", //Overrides the current text direction "", //Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Defines big text "", // Defines a section that is quoted from another source "", //Defines the document's body "", //Defines a single line break "", //Defines a clickable button "" //Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting (usually JavaScript) ] var HTMLTags4 = [ "", //Defines a table caption "", // Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Defines centered text "", //Defines the title of a work "", //Defines a piece of computer code "", //Specifies column properties for each column within a element "", //Specifies a group of one or more columns in a table for formatting "", //Specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls "", //Defines a description/value of a term in a description list "", //Defines text that has been deleted from a document "", //Defines additional details that the user can view or hide "" // Represents the defining instance of a term ] var colors = ["BLUE", "RED", "GREEN", "YELLOW", "WHITE", "BLACK", "SILVER", "GRAY" ]; var Else = true; var questions = [colors, HTMLTags4, HTMLTags3, HTMLTags2, HTMLTags1, Hello, Goodbye, Greeting, Name, Actions, Questions];  var reactions=[BotHello, BotGoodbye,BotGreeting]; var BotHello = ["HI", "HEY", "HOWDY", "HEYA", "HOLA", "HELLO", "SUP", "KONNICHIWA", "ALOHA"] var BotGoodbye = ["BYE", "SEE YA", "CYA", "LATER", "ADIOS", "SAYONARA", "SEEYA"] var BotGreeting = ["WHAT'S UP", "HOW'S IT GOING", "HOW ARE YOU", "NICE TO SEE YOU", "GOOD MORNING", "WELCOME"] var BotPleasant = ["Thanks.", "Good job.", "Cool.", "I see.", "Anyway.", "right-o."]  function answer(x) { var botOut = botChat.value; document.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0] = botChat //RESPONSES//  document.getElementsByTagName("input")[0].value = "" if (x.charAt(0).includes("!") === false){ youSay(x); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight; } question = x.toUpperCase() for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { /* EMPTY RESPONSE */ if (question === "" || null) { setTimeout( function() { botSays("\nBot : What? You shy?"); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight;}, 600); return; } /* COMMAND MENU RESPONSES */ else if (question === "!MENU" ) { botSays("\n\n**Commands are !Name yourName, !Bgcolor backgroundColor, !Text textColor, !Menu, !Secrets, !Tutorial, !Botsay textSays, and !Me textDoes,. Play around."); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight; return; }else if (question.slice(0,9).includes("!BGCOLOR ") ) { botSays("\n\n**Changed the background color to " + x.slice(9) ); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight; = x.slice(9); return; } else if (question.slice(0,6).includes("!TEXT ") ) { botSays("\n\n**Changed the text color to " + x.slice(6) ); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight; = x.slice(6); return; } else if (question.slice(0,6).includes("!NAME ") ) { you = x.slice(6); botSays("\n\n**Your name is " + you); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight; return; } else if (question.slice(0,9).includes("!SECRETS") ) { botSays("\n\n**What? I don't have any secrets. I've got nothing to hide."); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight; return; } else if (question.slice(0,10).includes("!TUTORIAL") ) { botSays("\n\n**What? I don't have a tutorial. Read my code, I'm not going to explain myself."); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight; return; } else if (question.slice(0,10).includes("!BOTSAY") ) { botSays("\nBot : " + x.slice(8)); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight; return; } else if (question.slice(0,4).includes("!ME") ) { youDo(x.slice(4)); botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight; return; } /* Questions, Answers and Responses */ if (question.includes(Goodbye[i])) { Else = false; setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\ Bot : Godspeed. Leave an upvote?") } else if (question.includes(Name[i])) { Else = false; setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : My name is BotOne. You can call me tonE.") } else if ( question.includes(HTMLTags1[i]) ) { /*HTML Tag Definitions Courtesy of*/ Else = false; if (HTMLTags1[i] === "

" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '

' Defines a paragraph.") } else if (HTMLTags1[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood. Italics.") } else if (HTMLTags1[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines a section in a document.") } else if (HTMLTags1[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines a section in a document.") } } else if ( question.includes(HTMLTags2[i]) ) { /*HTML Tag Definitions Courtesy of*/ Else = false; if (HTMLTags2[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines an abbreviation or acronym.") } else if (HTMLTags2[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Not supported in HTML5, use '' instead.") } else if (HTMLTags2[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines contact information for the author/owner of a document.") } else if (HTMLTags2[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Not supported in HTML5, use '' or '' instead.") }else if (HTMLTags2[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines an area inside an image map") } else if (HTMLTags2[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines an article.") } else if (HTMLTags2[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines content aside from the page content.") } else if (HTMLTags2[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines sound content.") } else if (HTMLTags2[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines bold text.") } } else if ( question.includes(HTMLTags3[i]) ) { Else = false; if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Specifies the base URL/target for all relative URLs in a document") } else if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead. Specifies a default color, size, and font for all text in a document. ") } else if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Isolates a part of text that might be formatted in a different direction from other text outside it. ") } else if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Overrides the current text direction. ") } else if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Not supported in HTML5, use CSS instead. Defines big text. ") } else if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines a section that is quoted from another source. ") } else if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines a document's body. ") } else if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines a single line break. ") } else if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Defines a clickable button. ") } else if (HTMLTags3[i] === "" ) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : The HTML tag '' Used to draw graphics, on the fly, via scripting. Usually Javascript. ") } /*} else if ( question.includes(HTMLTags4[i]) ) { } else if ( question.includes(HTMLTags5[i]) ) { } else if ( question.includes(HTMLTags6[i]) ) { */ /*} else if ( question.includes(HTMLTags7[i]) ) { } else if ( question.includes(HTMLTags8[i]) ) { } else if ( question.includes(HTMLTags9[i]) ) { */ }else if (question.includes(Actions[i])) { Else = false; if (question.includes("CHALLENGE")) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : Challenge my creator. Go for it.") } else { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : How can I help? Use my commands !Menu & !Tutorial to see what I can do.") } } else if (question.includes(Questions[i])) { Else = false; if (Questions[i].includes("HTML")) { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : Ask my creator. Go for it. Post your question in the comments, he'll try to help you. I'm just a code, I don't know HOW to code.") } else { setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : How can I help? Use my commands !Menu & !Tutorial to see what I can do.") } } else if ( question.includes(Greeting[i]) ) { Else = false; if (Greeting[i].includes("HOW")&&Greeting[i].includes("YOU")) { var reactHello = "How am I"; var reactGreeting = "I would say I am 40% complete." } else { num = Math.ceil(Math.random()*3) var reactHello = Greeting[num] reactHello = reactHello.toLowerCase(); reactHello = reactHello.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + reactHello.slice(1); var reactGreeting = "Same old. Getting coded mostly."; } var reactPleasant = BotPleasant[num] setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : " + reactHello + ". " + reactGreeting + " " + reactPleasant ) } else if (question.includes(Hello[i])) { var reactHello = Hello[i]; reactHello = reactHello.toLowerCase(); reactHello = reactHello.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + reactHello.slice(1); var reactGreeting = ""; var reactPleasant = "" Else = false; setTimeout(botSays, 600, "\nBot : " + reactHello + ".") } else { } } setTimeout( function() { if (Else === true) {botSays("\n\n**Error 404: Response Not Found."); } } , 700); setTimeout( function() {Else = true; botChat.scrollTop = botChat.scrollHeight;}, 730) } function botSays(x) { document.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0].innerHTML += x; } function youSay(x) { botSays("\n"+ you + " \ : " + x) } function youDo(x) { botSays("\n"+ you + " " + x) } function enterButton(e, x) { if (e.keyCode == 13) { answer(x); } }




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